Jiyoung Kim


Jiyoung Kim is a researcher in Sungkyun Institute for Japanese Studies at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.​ ​She has been working extensively on “America” in post-war Japanese literature. Her current research involves the study of U.S.-Japan Cultural Interchange in the Cold War period.

Her publications include: "Post-Kowaki no Nichibei Bunka Koryu to Bungaku Kukan: Rockefeller Zaidan no Sosaku Fellowship o Shiza ni "(The U.S.-Japan Cultural Interchange Program and Japanese Literary Scene in the Post-Peace Treaty Period : A Study of the Rockefeller Foundation's Creative Fellowship), America Taiheiyo Kenkyu, 2015 [in Japanese]; Agawa Hiroyuki ni okeru Genbaku no Shudai to America (America in Agawa Hiroyuki's Writings about Hiroshima), Hikaku Bungaku Kenkyu, 2013 [in Japanese].

Featured Panel Presentation (2018) | Hino Ashihei’s Amerika Tankenki and the U.S. Cultural Diplomacy during the Cold War Period

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