Using Art to Facilitate Young Children with Emotional and Behavioral Problems (79211)
Friday, 24 May 2024 15:30
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Using art as a therapeutic media is believed to be able to work perfectly for young children, especially for children with emotional and behavioral problems, which will be demonstrated in the presentation.
Through a composition of carefully designed curriculum incorporating fundamental elements in Art Therapy, a group of children participants were able to evolve from a directive approach (Theme-based, teacher-oriented) to a non-directive approach (child-centred, participants-oriented) through a duration of 10 sessions in art exploration. The art products, including the exploration of different media, were recorded according to the different themes introduced in each session. The line of development thus was shown through the passage of time of which the concepts of self awareness and self-growth were grasped and the children were able to mature as both an individual and as a participant in a group in Art Therapy perspective.
The study carries significance to serve as a set of guidelines to current childcare workers and teachers in using art and Art Therapy approaches for young children, particularly in incorporating the fundamental elements of Art Therapy as Early Childhood Intervention for children with emotional and behavioral problems.
King Hin Cheng, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
About the Presenter(s)
Ms Cheng King Hin is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Education University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong
See this presentation on the full schedule – Friday Schedule
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