Screen Sculpture: A New Type of Digital Art (80125)
Session Chair: Chih-Yung Aaron Chiu
Monday, 27 May 2024 15:10
Session: Session 4
Room: Room C (Live-Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
In its brief digital arts history, screen-dominated visual art has been a popular domain, continually collaborating with other fine art disciplines. Current art practicals in this new study area indicate that sculpture often employs screens to enrich display methods and enhance interactivity in artistic practice. However, academia has provided scant definitions and introductions to this practice, indicating a need for a more theoretical foundation for screenbased digital sculpture research. This article begins by identifying research gaps through the lens of specific theories in digital art and media archaeology, subsequently investigating the difference, development, and media issues of screen digital sculpture. By addressing these issues, the hope is to inspire more sculptors to utilise digital means to create a more excellent array of sculptural works.
Zihang Zhou, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Zihang Zhou is a University Doctoral Student at The university of Auckland in New Zealand
See this presentation on the full schedule – Monday Schedule
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