Human Resource Management as it Relates to Teachers’ Global Competitiveness (81239)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This paper examines the impact of human resource management on teachers' global competitiveness. It explores demographics; practices of the principals in terms of recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, remuneration, training and development, and employee safety and health; skills of teachers in terms of 21st century learning skills, 21st century innovation skills, 21st century life and career skills, and 21st century information, media, and technology skills ; and, the challenges faced such socio-cultural factors, technology factors, economic factors, and political factors in achieving this competitiveness. The study found that both teachers and school principals possess the necessary qualities for their roles, with principals practicing human resource management and teachers being enthusiastic about implementing 21st-century skills for global competitiveness. However, there were some issues related to socio-economic, technological, economic, and political factors. There was a significant relationship between the human resource management practices of school principals and the 21st-century global competitiveness of teachers. Recommendations include establishing a foundation for career goals, reinforcing duties and responsibilities, ensuring proper placement, implementing monthly seminars and training programs, attending international seminars, providing proper compensation and reward, and providing welfare training and recreational programs. Teachers should prepare for the rapid progress of innovation and media-driven environments, design and implement programs to develop and improve their skills, and evaluate and improve education curriculums every five years to meet societal changes and demands. Principals must be prepared to combat external factors in education and focus their attention and commitment to achieving global competitiveness.

Jonaidah Hadji Said, Mindanao State University, Philippines

About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Jonaidah B. Hadji Said is an Associate Professor I at MSU-ILS. She always wants to grow in her teaching profession. This is the reason that most of her research is related to education, values and attitudes, teachers' competency and leadership.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00